Davison CE High School for Girls

Key Stage 3 Art and Design


Year 7

  • AU1: With support you can investigate (research) and record using specific resources to develop ideas for your art work.
  • AU2: You can attempt to reproduce the work of artists and designers with some understanding of the artist’s style and its context.
  • SP3: You can show some control of the formal elements (line, shape, form, texture, colour & pattern) using a range of media and techniques.
  • SP4: You can attempt to explore a range of materials and media with some understanding of their individual qualities.
  • SU5: With guidance you can evaluate yours and others art work, explaining how to improve and refine.
  • SU6: You can use your chosen media to realise your intentions (produce a finished outcome/ art work).

Year 8

  • AU1: You can collect relevant reference and can produce research about the work of artists and designers which helps you to develop a clear idea for your art work.
  • AU2: You can evaluate and reproduce the work of artists and designers showing an understanding of their style, processes and context.
  • SP3: You can clearly show control of the formal elements (line, shape, form, texture, colour & pattern) using a range of media and techniques.
  • SP4: You can clearly explore a range of materials and media with some understanding of their individual qualities.
  • SU5: You can record showing a reliable command of techniques and skills in observation.
  • SU6: You can evaluate and explain your thoughts and feelings about the art work you have produced, stating how you can refine your work and act on advice.

Year 9

  • AU1: You can independently collect a range of reference material which includes research into the work of artists and designers, selecting the most relevant to help you develop ideas for your own art work.
  • AU2: You can confidently produce work inspired by artists and designers demonstrating their processes and style of work. You can comment on the social and historical contexts of when the work was produced making detailed connections with your own work.
  • SP3: You can confidently show skill and refinement of the formal elements (line, shape, form, texture, colour & pattern) using a variety of approaches and a range of media and techniques.
  • SP4: You can confidently explore and experiment with a clear range of materials and media showing clear understanding of their individual qualities to create personal outcomes.
  • SU5: You can record your ideas with emerging consistency using annotations that show some understanding of critical vocabulary.
    • SU6: You can evaluate, adapt and explain your thoughts and feelings about the art work you have produced, stating how you can refine your work independently.

Key Stage 3 Computing


Year 7

  • You know how to operate the school’s core Computing network systems and have an understanding of the history of Computing
  • You understand how a computer works including hardware and the internet
  • You are able to apply your knowledge of block based programming to a specific task effectively
  • You understand the basic principles of cybersecurity including how to protect yourself and your data.
  • You understand the basics of text-based and block-based programming (coding) to draw and manipulate shapes
  • You are able to apply your knowledge of programming to solve problems

Year 8

  • You have an understanding of a range of patterns lin Computing, including recursive and binary patterns
  • You have an understanding of different types of software: Application Software, Utility Software and Operating System Software
  • You have developed your knowledge of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM), to develop a desired 3D outcome
  • You understand the basic principles of cybersecurity including different forms of attack and how to protect yourself and your data.
  • You can use Microsoft Block Editor with a Microbit Processor to achieve a desired programming outcome
  • You can use your knowledge of different software applications to present information to a target audience

Year 9

  • You have shown an understanding and application of Encryption ciphers and techniques.
  • You have shown an understanding of Hardware and Software and understand the principles of Computer Networking.
  • You can use a variety of software to plan, design and develop a functional website
  • You understand the basics of cybersecurity including the different forms of attacks and how to protect yourself and your data.
  • You can use Python text based programming basics to achieve a desired outcome
  • You understand how data is represented in files and how to manipulate the files to optimize quality

Key Stage 3 CS


Year 7

  • You can understand how to work as a member of a team
  • You know how to be a good friend and understand when others are being good friends
  • You can recall information from a given source and adapt it for your own purpose
  • You can use powerful adjectives to aid your description
  • You can read, understand and respond to a written text
  • You are able to recognise and comment on word classes within a text
  • You can begin to read for inference by spotting clues within a text and predicting what this might mean for the plot
  • You can begin to read for inference by spotting clues within a text and predicting what this might mean for the plot

Year 8

  • You recognise the skills required to be a supportive friend and avoid arguments most of the time
  • You are a responsible member of CS and happily work alongside others as part of a group
  • You can select the appropriate form and use other writing as a model for your own work, structuring and organising a range of texts for different purposes
  • You understand the importance of structure within your writing, ie. Paragraphs, and you are beginning to use appropriate structure automatically when writing
  • You can read and comment some of the poetic devices and meanings in a selection of children’s poems
  • You can participate in discussion about poetry and the implied meanings within children’s poems, and with support, can write a comparison of two poems
  • You can use appropriate tools for internet research into a given topic
  • You can use information gathered from research to support the creation of PowerPoint and other documentation to share your findings
  • You are developing your inference skills by spotting hidden meaning within writing, and predicting possible impact on the plot
  • You can use inference skills to gain a deeper understanding of a variety of poems

Year 9

  • You can select the appropriate form and use other writing as a model for your own work by structuring and organising a range of texts for different purposes, ie. Persuasive writing, creative writing and news articles
  • You can demonstrate use of a range of enhanced vocabulary to enrich your writing
  • You can confidently use a full range of grammar and punctuation within your writing
  • You can read, recognise and summarise some of the poetic devices and meanings in children’s poetry
  • You can participate confidently in discussion about children’s poems and write a comparison largely unaided
  • You can use appropriate tools for internet research into a given topic
  • You can independently use information gathered from research to support creation of PowerPoint and other documentation to share your findings with others
  • You are able to use inferencing skills to explore a deeper understanding of a variety of poems and sections of narrative text

CS Literacy

Year 7

  • You can write the alphabet.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can use capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks in written work.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can identify and use adjectives in your writing.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can correctly use speech marks.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can find key information in a text.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can edit your work by reading through to check it makes sense.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two

Year 8

  • You can produce a piece of descriptive writing to include adjectives and the five senses
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can use ‘strong’ verbs to improve your writing
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can identify and use similes and personification in your writing.
    • Evidence one
    • Evidence Two
  • You can recognise and use persuasive language and persuasive writing structures.
    • Evidence one
    • Evidence Two
  • You can find key information in a text.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can edit your work by reading through to checkit makes sense and to check the punctuation.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two

Year 9

  • You can recognise and use simple, compound and complex sentences.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can start a sentence using a verb or an adverb.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can use the ‘Show Don’t Tell’ technique in your writing.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can recognise and use at least three persuasive writing techniques
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can use paragraphs to organise your writing.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two
  • You can edit your work by reading through to check it makes sense, correct punctuation and make vocabulary changes.
    • Evidence One
    • Evidence Two

CS Numeracy

Year 7

  • You can accurately complete addition problems
  • You can accurately complete subtraction problems
  • You can accurately complete multiplication problems
  • You can accurately complete division problems
  • You can use the 4 operations with negative numbers
  • You can identify and recall square, cube and prime numbers
  • You can identify factors and multiples
  • You can confidently round numbers to 1 or 2 decimal places
  • You can work out the next terms of a sequence
  • You can identify 2D and 3D shapes
  • You can work out area and perimeter
  • You can accurately measure angles
  • You can work out missing angles in a triangle
  • You can find fractions, decimals and percentages
  • You can convert between fractions, decimals and percentages
  • You can complete simple algebra equations
  • You can find simple ratios

Year 8

  • You can accurately complete addition problems
  • You can accurately complete subtraction problems
  • You can accurately complete multiplication problems
  • You can accurately complete division problems
  • You can use the 4 operations with negative numbers
  • You can identify and recall square, cube and prime numbers
  • You can identify factors and multiples
  • You can confidently round numbers to 1 or 2 decimal places
  • You can work out the next terms of a sequence
  • You can identify 2D and 3D shapes
  • You can work out area and perimeter
  • You can accurately measure angles
  • You can find fractions, decimals and percentages
  • You can convert between fractions, decimals and percentages
  • You can complete simple algebra equations
  • You can find simple ratios

Year 9

  • You can accurately complete addition problems
  • You can accurately complete subtraction problems
  • You can accurately complete multiplication problems
  • You can accurately complete division problems
  • You can use the 4 operations with negative numbers
  • You can identify and recall square, cube and prime numbers
  • You can identify factors and multiples
  • You can confidently round numbers to 1 or 2 decimal places
  • You can work out the next terms of a sequence
  • You can identify 2D and 3D shapes
  • You can work out area and perimeter
  • You can accurately measure angles
  • You can work out missing angles in a triangle
  • You can find fractions, decimals and percentages
  • You can convert between fractions, decimals and percentages
  • You can complete simple algebra equations
  • You can find simple ratios

Key Stage 3 Design and Technology

Design Technology & Food

Design Technology

Year 7
  • RESEARCH AND ANALYSE- You can research the work of others to influence your own design work.
  • DESIGN- You can develop and communicate design ideas using annotated sketches, and plans lining to a specification.
  • MAKE- You can select and use specialist tools and equipment accurately and safely to manufacture my end product.
  • EVALUATE- You can test and evaluate my end product against a specification and user feedback.
  • TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE- You can understand how material properties and mechanical systems can be used to create a successful end product.
Year 8
  • RESEARCH AND ANALYSE- You can research the work of others to influence your own design work.
  • DESIGN- You can develop and communicate design ideas using annotated sketches, and plans lining to a specification.
  • MAKE- You can use specialist tools and equipment to manufacture a functioning product accurately and safely using circuits and construction methods in multiple materials.
  • EVALUATE- You can test and evaluate my end product against a specification and user feedback, taking into account the impact of the social, moral and environmental impact of my end product
  • TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE- You can explain how materials/ electronic systems can be used to create a successful end product.
Year 9
  • RESEARCH & ANALYSE- You can research the work of others to influence your own design work.
  • DESIGN - You can develop and communicate design ideas using annotated sketches, detailed plans and specifications.
  • MAKE - You can plan making, choose the correct tools and make a successful product safely and accurately.
  • EVALUATE - You can evaluate how your research helped the designing, planning and making with suggested improvements, while taking into consideration user’s needs.
  • TECHNICAL KNOWLDEGE - You can name and explain, in detail, the use and properties of materials and/ or components you have used in the manufacture of your product.

Food and Nutrition

Year 7
  • F1) You can give reasons for your choices when designing your own dish and starts to make links to nutrition and/or sensory qualities
  • F2) You can demonstrate an awareness of social/ moral/ ethical issues linked to food production and can discuss pro's and cons for these
  • F3) You can follow recipes given and show a range of culinary skills demonstrating safe and hygienic working
  • F4) You can write about your practical work and food in terms of it's sensory qualities, nutritional content, health, hygiene and safety in making it and the new and developing skills you have shown. You also may draw in any food science elements that are relevant.
  • F5) You understand the principles of the Eatwell Guide and can Identify a number of food types for each section
Year 8
  • S1) You can apply the principles of safe and hygienic food handling to your practical work, which demonstrates your understanding of how to make dishes which are safe to eat as well as appetising and wholesome.
  • S2) You can demonstrate, through practical and written work, a clear understanding of the nutritional content of your dishes and what a balanced diet looks like and why this is beneficial to our health
  • S3) You can independently make a range of dishes showing a variety of skills and working safely and hygienically. A detailed evaluation is carried out for at least one practical session which includes analysis of nutrition, practical working, teamwork, sensory qualities and how each of these aspects could be improved.
  • S4) You understand the 8 tips for eating healthy and can explain ways to achieve them using at least one reference showing that some research has taken place
Year 9
  • C1) You can design a dish that meets a set brief and fully explains and justifies your choices
  • C2) You can write a detailed and accurate plan for cooking which draws in the nutritional, sensory and economic considerations of food choice
  • C3) You can independently and accurately make a range of sweet and savoury dishes showing a variety of skills and appropriate consideration of nutrition and the provenance of ingredients. You can show also how recipes could be adapted to improve these aspects
  • C4) You can demonstrate a high level of hygiene, safety and organisation and can explain why it is important
  • C5) You can carry out detailed evaluations of their making and final products in terms of food science, health and safety, hygiene, practical skills, sensory qualities, nutrition and provenance. This work will contain detailed suggestions for improvements and their own testing methods for the foods

Key Stage 3 Drama


Year 7

  • (KPI1) You can create a functional piece which meets a basic brief
  • (KPI2) You can perform at a basic level with focus
  • (KPI3) You can describe the development of a piece (and/or the final performance)
  • (KPI4) You can recognise at least three drama techniques
  • (KPI5) You can learn a short scene with perhaps a prompt needed
  • (KPI6) You can produce a recognisable character with focus

Year 8

  • (KPI1) You can create a satisfying piece which shows some originality
  • (KPI2) You can perform / create a design with confidence and awareness
  • (KPI3) You can describe and analyse development of a piece (and/or the final performance).
  • (KPI4) You can recognise and demonstrate at least three drama techniques
  • (KPI5) You can learn and perform a sustained scene
  • (KPI6) You can produce a recognisable and engaging character with focus.

Year 9

  • (KPI1) You can create a sustained piece showing originality
  • (KPI2) You can perform / create a design with confidence and an awareness of the audience
  • (KPI3) You can describe, analyse and evaluate the development of a piece (and/or the final performance)
  • (KPI4) You can recognise and demonstrate a range of techniques
  • (KPI5) You can learn and perform a prolonged scene.
  • (KPI6) You can produce an original and recognisable and engaging character with focus

Key Stage 3 English

Revised KPIs 2021-2022


Year 7
  • R1 - Some ability to clearly identify explicit information and ideas, in a text.
  • R2 - Some ability to identify and comment on the effects of simple language choices on the reader.
  • R4 - Some understanding of the importance of the social/historical/cultural context of texts with basic comments on how this links to the social/historical or cultural context of texts.
  • Accelerated Reader Engagement
Year 8
  • R1 - Ability to clearly identify implicit information and ideas, texts.
  • R2 - Ability to clearly identify and comment on the effects of a range of language choices on the reader.
  • R4 - Clear understanding of the importance of the social/historical/cultural context of texts with some comments comments on how context links to writers' ideas/themes..
  • Accelerated Reader Engagement
Year 9
  • R1 - Ability to clearly summarise and synthesise evidence from different texts.
  • R2 - Ability to confidently identify and develop comments on the effects of a wide range of language choices on the reader.
  • R3 - Ability to confidently identify and develop comments on the effects of a range of structural choices on the reader.
  • R4 - Clear understanding of the importance of the social/historical/cultural context of texts.
  • R5 - Awareness of ideas, viewpoints and feelings shown through comments and textual references, with clear comparisons made between or within texts.
  • Accelerated Reader Engagement

Speaking and Listening

Year 7
  • S10 - Speak with clarity when presenting ideas, with some use of Standard English. Show some ability to express ideas when responding to the teacher and peers.
Year 8
  • S10 - Clearly communicate when presenting ideas, with Standard English being used consistently. Express ideas clearly in discussions and engage with the ideas of others.
Year 9
  • S10 -Exhibit confidence and fluency when presenting ideas, with effective use of Standard English. Express ideas in detail, drawing others into discussion and reflecting upon their points of view.


Year 7
  • W7 - Some attempt to meet the given form, purpose and audience through the use of some basic language techniques.
  • W8 - Some attempt to use structural methods to organise writing.
  • W9 - Spell and punctuate with some accuracy, and use a reasonable range of vocabulary and sentence structures.
Year 8
  • W7 - Clear attempt to meet the given form, purpose and audience through the use of a range of language techniques.
  • W8 - Clear attempt to use structural methods to organise writing.
  • W9 - Spell and punctuate with considerable accuracy, and use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures to achieve general control of meaning.
Year 9
  • W7 - Meets the given form, purpose and audience through the use of well-chosen and appropriate language techniques.
  • W8 - Uses a range of structural methods to create coherent writing.
  • W9 - Spell and punctuate with consistent accuracy, and use a considerable range of vocabulary and sentence structures to achieve control of meaning.

Key Stage 3 French



Year 7
  • G1= I can understand and use genders, definite and indefinite articles, adjective agreement and possessive adjectives (my, your, his/her) with some success.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G2 = I can understand what an infinitive is. I can use ’avoir’ and ’être’ and regular –ER verbs in the present tense
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G3 = I can use basic negatives, common connectives, frequency words and intensifiers
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • G1 = I can apply my knowledge of genders, articles (including partitive), adjective agreements and possessive adjectives with greater accuracy.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G2 = I can use a greater variety of verb forms in the present tense. I can understand and start using the past and near-future tenses.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G3 = I can use comparisons, relative clauses, and negative sentences in other tenses. I start to use a wider range of connectives, opinions, adverbs and time expressions
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • G1 = I can use genders, articles and adjectives confidently.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G2 = I can understand and use at least three tenses. I can understand reflexive verbs.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G3 = I can use the superlative structure, direct object pronouns, and a range of prepositions and negatives
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • L1: I can listen to and understand the gist and some specific details in a few sentences of familiar language, and respond both in English and in Target Language.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • L2: I can recall key phonics and transcribe high-frequency familiar words.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • L1- I can clearly understand specific details in a short passage or dialogue with predictable information in longer, more complex sentences.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • L2– I can transcribe short phrases, including parts of stories, songs, rhymes and poems.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • L1- I can understand longer passages or dialogues with a wider range of unpredictable elements, deducing meaning of unfamiliar words.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • L2— I can apply my knowledge of phonics to transcribe fairly accurately longer passages with some unpredictable elements.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • R1- I can read and understand the gist and some specific details in a few sentences of familiar language, and respond both in English and in Target Language.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • R2- I can translate short sentences into English.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • R1- I can clearly understand specific details in a short text with predictable information in longer, more complex sentences.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • R2– I can translate longer sentences into precise and accurate English.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • R1- I can understand longer texts from a wide range of sources.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • R2- I can translate texts into English accurately.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • S- I can ask and answer some simple questions from memory with recognisable pronunciation whilst applying my knowledge of phonics.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • S- I can use simple phrases and sentences independently with clear pronunciation, communicate new meanings, pronounce known language well.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • S- I can express ideas independently, ask a range of questions confidently, using formal/informal “you”, give more developed responses.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • V1= I can accurately recall and use at least 2/3 of the topic vocabulary
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • V1= I can accurately recall and use at least 2/3 of the topic vocabulary
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • V1= I can accurately recall and use at least 2/3 of the topic vocabular
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • W1- I can write a paragraph (40 words) in longer sentences using familiar language and opinions, including writing from memory with understandable spelling.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • W2– I can change one element in a simple phrase or sentence to vary the meaning and I can translate from memory short sentences on familiar topics into the target language.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • W1- I can write at least 40 words and up to 90 words about myself and others, expressing opinions and reasons, including writing from memory with understandable spelling.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • W2– I can translate a few sentences from 2/3 topics into the target language, includingwriting from memory with understandable spelling
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • W1- I can write several paragraphs (90 – 150 words) expressing facts, ideas, opinions and reasons, using a variety of structures. I can include questions and write from memory with greater accuracy.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • W2– I can translate a short paragraph on familiar topics into the foreign language, without help, with understandable accuracy.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)

Key Stage 3 Geography


Geographical skills and fieldwork

Year 7
  • (P) You can interpret OS maps in the classroom and in the field using some map skills (Foundation)
  • (Y) You can use fieldwork to collect, analyse and draw some conclusions from geographical data
Year 8
  • (A) You have a clear knowledge of globes, maps and atlases and can apply this in a secure way
  • (P) You can clearly interpret OS maps in the classroom and in the field using map skills
  • (H) You can use GIS to clearly view, analyse and interpret places and data
  • (Y) You can use fieldwork to collect, analyse and draw clear conclusions from geographical data
Year 9
  • (A) You have a detailed knowledge of globes, maps and atlases and can apply this in a confident way
  • (P) You can give a detailed interpretation of OS maps in the classroom and in the field using map skills, including using grid references, scale, and other forms of data presentation
  • (H) You can use GIS to view, analyse and interpret places and data in a detailed way
  • (Y) You can use fieldwork, in contrasting locations, to collect, analyse and draw detailed conclusions from geographical data from multiple sources
  • Excelling 2 - You can apply geographical understanding to make informed judgements.
  • Excelling 3 - You can select, adapt and use a variety of skills and techniques to investigate and communicate ideas.

Human and physical geography

Year 7
  • (O) You have shown some understanding of the key processes in physical geography that you have studied
  • G2) You have shown some understanding of the key processes in human geography that you have studied
  • (R) You have shown some understanding of the way in which geographical processes and events can effect landscapes, environments or the climate
Year 8
  • (O) You have demonstrated a detailed understanding of the key processes in physical geography that you have studied
  • (G2) You have demonstrated a clear understanding of the key processes in human geography that you have studied
  • (R) You have demonstrated a clear understanding of the way in which geographical processes and events can effect landscapes, environments or the climate
Year 9
  • (O) You have demonstrated a detailed understanding of the key processes in physical geography that you have studied
  • (G2)You have demonstrated a detailed understanding of the key processes in human geography that you have studied
  • (R) You have demonstrated a detailed understanding of the way in which geographical processes and events can effect landscapes, environments or the climate

Locational knowledge

Year 7
  • (G1) You have shown that you have some knowledge of maps and atlases, and can apply this to locate the world's continents and regions.
Year 8
  • (G1) You have demonstrated a clear knowledge relating to a range of places, environments and features at a variety of scales
Year 9
  • (G1) You have demonstrated a detailed knowledge relating to a range of places, environments and features at a wide variety of scales
  • Excelling 1 - You have demonstrated the geographical interrelationships between places and processes through the application of geographical theory.

Place knowledge

Year 7
  • (E) You have demonstrated some understanding of geographical similarities, differences and links between places
Year 8
  • (E) You have demonstrated a clear level of understanding of geographical similarities, differences and links between places
Year 9
  • (E) You have demonstrated a detailed level of understanding of geographical similarities, differences and links between places

Geography New

Year 7

  • P = you have shown some understanding of physical geography processes
  • F = you have developed some fieldwork skills
  • I = you have shown some understanding of human and physical interactions
  • S = you have developed some geographical skills
  • H = you have shown some understanding of human geography processes

Year 8

  • P = you have shown clear understanding of physical geography processes
  • F = you have developed a range of fieldwork skills
  • I = you have shown clear understanding of human and physical interactions
  • S = you have developed a range of geographical skills
  • H = you have shown clear understanding of human geography processes

Year 9

  • P = you have shown detailed understanding of physical geography processes
  • F = you have developed a range of complex fieldwork skills
  • I = you have shown detailed understanding of human and physical interactions
  • S = you have developed a range of complex geographical skills
  • H = you have shown detailed understanding of human geography processes
  • Excelling 1 = you have demonstrated the geographical interrelationships between places and processes through the application of geographical theory
  • Excelling 2 = you can apply geographical understanding to make informed judgements
  • Excelling 3 = you can select, adapt and use a variety of skills and techniques to investigate and communicate ideas

Key Stage 3 History


Year 7

  • (H) You can recall some key facts and knowledge about a topic.
  • (I) You can make some valid comments about the usefulness of a piece of evidence and what you can learn from it
  • (S) You show an understanding that some evidence is more convincing (accurate) than others. You can make some valid comments about how the author impacts the reliability of evidence
  • (T) You can research independently and select relevant information which you put in your own words.
  • (O) You can describe events, causes, consequences and changes clearly with some supporting factual detail.
  • (R) You can use some factual evidence and one or more of the criteria for significance to show why an event or person is significant.
  • (Y) You can reach a balanced conclusion with a decisive judgement and include at least one piece of factual evidence to support it.

Year 8

  • (H) You can recall and remember several key factual details and aspects of knowledge.
  • (I) You can clearly explain why a source is useful by referring to the content of the source plus the author, contextual knowledge or purpose
  • (S) You can make valid comments about how convincing and accurate an interpretation is based on your contextual knowledge.
  • (T) You can independently research and select clear and relevant information to support your work and explain it in your own words.
  • (O) You can write clear and accurate accounts of causes, developments and consequences and change over time using factual detail and some reference to historical context (background).
  • (R) You can clearly explain why people or events are significant in the short or long term, supporting your explanations with factual detail and referring to 1 or more criteria for significance.
  • (Y) You can reach balanced conclusions with a decisive judgement supported by at least 2 pieces of factual evidence, showing an understanding of the historical context (time period).

Year 9

  • (H) You can recall a good amount of factual detail and knowledge.
  • (I) You can clearly explain why sources are useful as pieces of evidence. You explain using PEE and referring to content, provenance and/or knowledge of the time.
  • (S) You can use factual knowledge to support or challenge a historical viewpoint to show how convincing or accurate the interpretation is. You can compare 2 interpretations and judge which is more convincing based on your contextual knowledge and understanding
  • (T) You can independently research a topic in great detail, selecting only relevant information to support your argument. You explain clearly in your own words.
  • (O) You can write a clear account of the causes, development and consequences of events and changes over time in accurate detail, showing a strong understanding of the historical context (time period).
  • (R) You can argue the significance of historical events, people and developments by explaining their short term and long term impact with supporting factual evidence and contextual understanding.
  • (Y) You reach clear, decisive and detailed conclusions supported by 3 or more pieces of factual evidence. You have a clear argument and point of view and show a good understanding of the historical context.

Key Stage 3 LETS


Lets get creative

Year 7
  • (CF1) With support you can try to find new ideas or solve a problem. You occasionally ask questions but often rely on the teacher to prompt you
  • (CF2) You can plan an activity with the guidance of your teacher. You can make use of the materials provided and with support try to complete a task
Year 8
  • (CS1) You can think of simple ways to find new ideas or solve a problem. You ask questions in order to give yourself the best possible understanding.
  • (CS2) You can make a simple plan for a particular lesson activity. You make good use of available materials to finish a task.
Year 9
  • (CC1) You can come up with your own ideas and solutions to invent something or solve a problem. You think of – and ask - a range of questions in order to develop the best understanding of the task
  • (CC2) You can independently make a plan for a particular activity that allows you to demonstrate several skills. You make imaginative use of the materials available, so I can complete a task
  • (CE1) With deep consideration of a complex problem, you can come up with appropriate ideas and ways of solving it. You ask many questions of yourself, your teachers and others, as you work your way through a complex task
  • (CE2) You can independently make a plan for an activity to demonstrate a range of skills and work on it both in class and at home. You make imaginative use of the materials available to you – and look for less obvious resources – in order to complete a task

LETS get involved

Year 7
  • (IF1) When focused, you can contribute, concentrate and listen to others. You can work with others at times, follow instructions and explore ideas
  • (IF2) You can sometimes work positively as a team. You can behave appropriately, but occasionally need to be reminded by the teacher.
Year 8
  • (IS1) You contribute positively in class and listen to others in the class, allowing them to contribute, listen and concentrate.  You work with others to give and follow instructions and explore ideas
  • (IS2) You work positively as a member of a team, sometimes offering your thoughts and views. You behave appropriately at all times during the lesson
Year 9
  • (IC1) You know learning is the most important activity in the class and you contribute to a positive learning atmosphere.  You work confidently with others, offering and accepting advice and ideas and exploring those
  • (IC2) You work well as part of a team, offering to lead others at times. You listen to other team members’ opinions and contribute your own. You behave in a manner that allows you and other students to focus on learning
  • (IE1) You help to set a very positive tone in class by making a strong contribution to discussions, wanting to achieve high standards and encouraging others to do the same. You work very confidently with others, carefully listening to their ideas, questions, and advice, offering your own. You lead discussions which are effective for learning
  • (IE2) You are a respected member of any team I am in. You volunteer to take a leading role and get on with all other team members. You are seen as a very positive person and you help to get the best out of others. You always push yourself to do your best and allow other students to do the same

LETS get positive

Year 7
  • (PF1) You try to understand the task set and organise the materials needed. You sometimes need to ask for help but see a challenge positively and with encouragement try your best
  • (PF2) You try to keep going on a task but sometime give up if it is difficult. You need support when refining or reviewing what you have done to make improvements. Your teacher sometimes needs to encourage you
Year 8
  • (PS1) You make sure that you have a good understanding of the task set and the materials you need to complete it. You see challenges positively and try your best at all times
  • (PS2) You try keep going on a task even when you find it difficult. You want to do the best you can, and want your best to be at least as good as anyone else’s. You might need guidance from your teacher and peers
Year 9
  • (PC1) You ensure that you know what you need to do and how you are going to do it before starting a task. You take on any challenge in a very positive manner, determined to produce the best possible work
  • (PC2) You see a task through to the end. You seek ways of making your work the best it can be, including judging it against other students’ work, asking for help when you need to
  • (PE1) You have a vision of the outcome of a task and you are certain of the approach you will take, independently finding the resources you will need. You work with teachers and students in a positive way. You encourage the best from everyone and push yourself to deliver your best
  • (PE2) You consider all ways to make your work the best possible and are never content with coming second best. You Keep going on a task whatever the challenge and accept criticism in a positive manner and take note of advice given to help you complete the set task well.

LETS get thinking

Year 7
  • (TF1) When prompted by the teacher, you can ask questions in order to understand a task or topic. When presented with a task, you can work out ways go about it with the support of the teacher
  • (TF2) I can sometimes take advice from others about my work and with support review how I can improve a task. You can explain to results of the tasks that you do with the support of the teacher
Year 8
  • (TS1) You ask questions in order to understand a task or topic more fully.  When presented with different ways to do a task, you work out the best way to do it
  • (TS2) You take any advice from any source (teachers, students, parents) about your work, learning from this feedback. You can explain in some detail the results of the tasks that you do
Year 9
  • (TC1) You ask questions and offer explanations.  You research and think of how to develop a good understanding of the task.  You consider the various ways to carry out a task, you decide how to do it, and can explain your decision
  • (TC2) You review and take advice from any source about your work and consider how that advice could lead to improvements.  You can explain clearly the results of the tasks you do, making links and comparisons
  • (TE1) You ask considered questions, do research, and explore issues, events and problems from different perspectives, building the best understanding of a task.  As you work through a task, you regularly weigh up the best approaches, adapting your methods as you go. You can then explain my approach clearly
  • (TE2) You actively chase constructive criticism and consider advice given to develop your understanding of how to review and improve a task. You can explain your results in great depth, revealing insightful links, making comparisons and judging relevance



Year 7
  • KS READING1: I can understand some of the key events in a text.
  • KS READING 2: I can comment on characters referring to the text.
  • KS READING 3: I work positively to make progress in my AR target.
  • KS SPEAKING: I can express my ideas simply in class
  • KSN1:I can recall times table facts.
  • KSN2: I can tell the time using an analogue clock.
  • KSN3: I can recognise, name and draw 2D and 3D shapes.
  • KSN4: I can use, and solve problems relating to, money.
  • KSN5: I can understand and use metric units of measure for length, weight and capacity
  • KSN6: I can collect interpret and provide instructions and directions.
Year 8
  • READING KSR1: I can retrieve simple information from a text
  • READING KSR2: I show awareness of the writer’s intention/ message
  • WRITING KSW1: I can use a range of basic punctuation for clarity
  • WRITING KSW2: I can use a range of simple language devices in my writing
  • WRITING KSW3: I can edit and improve my written work
  • SPEAKING KSS1: I am willing to express my ideas in class
  • SPEAKING KSS2: I am willing to present my ideas in class
  • KSN1: I understand the value of numbers up to 1 Million and can relate this back to place value.
  • KSN2: I understand that multiplication and division are inverse operations and can use this to solve calculations.
  • KSN3: I can accurately draw and measure angles up to 180 degrees.
  • KSN4: I can recognise common 3D solids and can match them to their nets.
  • KSN5: I can design a suitable survey to collect basic discreet data.
  • KSN6: I can calculate the probability of something happening where an event has equally likely outcomes.
  • KSN7: I can perform operations with decimals up to 2 decimal places, including with money.
  • KSN8: I can recall common equivalents between fractions, decimals and percentages.
  • KSN9:I can read both digital and analogue clocks
  • KSN10:I have an understanding of the value of money in the world and the cost of living.
  • KSN11: I am able to convert fluently between metric measures of length
  • KSN12: I am able to read a simple map or scale drawing and use this to calculate real-life measurements.
Year 9
  • READING KSR1: I can retrieve relevant information from a text
  • READING KSR2: I show understanding of the writer’s intention/ message
  • WRITING KSW1: I can use a range of punctuation for clarity
  • WRITING KSW2: I can use a range of language devices in my writing
  • SPEAKING KSS1: I am willing to express my ideas in class
  • SPEAKING KSS2: I am willing to present my ideas in class

Key Stage 3 Mathematics



Year 7
  • C1 - Find inputs and outputs from one-step and two-step function machines
  • E1 - Substitute to find the value of two-step expressions
  • E4 - Solve equations and problems with negative numbers
Year 8
  • C2 Plot and Recognise Coordinates and Simple Graphs
  • E2 Relationships Between Graphs and Coordinate Pairs
  • C3 Solve Equations, Including Brackets
  • E3 Solve Equations Including Where Unknowns are on Both Sides and Inequalities
Year 9
  • C2 You can plot graphs of equations that correspond to straight lines
  • E2 You can identify and interpret the gradient and y intercept of linear functions graphically and algebraically
  • C5 You can solve equations with unknowns on both sides
  • E5 You can solve equations with unknowns on both sides, including the use of brackets

Geometry and measures

Year 7
  • C5 - Understanding basic geometric facts (notation and angle properties)
  • E5 - Interpret diagrams using geometric facts
Year 8
  • C5 Area of 2D Shapes and Simple Angle Rules
  • E5 Area of Circles and Simple Constructions
Year 9
  • C4 you can find area of a triangle, parallelogram and trapezium
  • E4 You can find surface area of pyramids and prisms


Year 7
  • C2 - Round a number to 1 significant figure
  • E2 - Write numbers in standard form
  • C3 - Solve addition and subtraction problems with decimals
  • E3 - Solve multiplication and division problems with decimals
  • C4 - Calculate with and compare negative numbers
Year 8
  • C4 Order of Operations (BIDMAS) and Calculating with Money
  • E4 Calculate with, and Compare Numbers in Standard Form
Year 9
  • C1 Factors and Multiples
  • E1 You can use prime factor decomposition to find HCF and LCM
  • C3 You can express one quantity as a percentage of another and compare two quantities using percentages
  • E3 You can use a single multiplier to find a percentage of an amount


Year 7
  • C6 - Calculating the probability of single events
  • E6 - Calculate probability from tables and diagrams

Ratio, proportion and rates of change

Year 8
  • C1 Solve Problems with Conversions and Enlargements
  • E1 Multiplicative Change Multi Step Problems


Year 8
  • C6 Data Handling and Interpreting Charts and Graphs
  • E6 Mean From Frequency Tables
Year 9
  • C6 You can draw and interpret a scatter graph using understanding of correlation
  • E6 You can use and interpret a scatter graph and can use lines of best fit to make predictions

Key Stage 3 Music


Year 7

  • (F1) You can fluently perform simple sections of a piece with some accuracy, both alone and with others.
  • (F2) You can sing in tune and can hold a vocal melody line when singing with others.
  • (F3) You can compose and improvise musical ideas based on a simple brief and can overcome problems when they occur.
  • (F4) You can notice good and bad points in your own and others' work and make changes with guidance from the teacher.
  • (F5) You can express your opinions when listening to music, using some appropriate musical vocabulary.

Year 8

  • (S1) You can accurately play a solo or group part and maintain a part in an ensemble performance
  • (S2) You can sing in tune and can hold a vocal melody line when singing alone or with others
  • (S3) You can compose and improvise using musical devices and can refine your ideas after feedback to make your work more effective
  • (S4) You can independently suggest changes that could be made to your own and others' work
  • (S5) You can recognise musical features in music from a variety of cultures and times

Year 9

  • (C1) You can perform an independent part accurately and fluently, adjusting to others' performance.
  • (C2) You can sing accurately and musically with good intonation
  • (C3) You can compose and improvise effectively, using the given brief creatively. This results in memorable compositions in different styles
  • (C4) You can justify changes that could be made to your own and others' work, using musical terminology
  • (C5) You can use your previous musical knowledge to contextualise new music that you hear
  • (E1)  You perform even complex parts musically and confidently and constantly refine your performance skills based on feedback

Key Stage 3 Physical Education

Physical Education

Year 7

  • (F1) You can understand and begin to demonstrate rules and positions in a practical situation.
  • (F2) You can demonstrate key skills and techniques in a practical situation.
  • (F3) You can select, apply and transfer skills from practice to a full context performance.
  • (F4) You can show creativity when experimenting with skills and actions.
  • (F5) You can learn and use activity specific vocabulary appropriately.
  • (F6) You can work effectively with others showing basic communication skills and subject knowledge.
  • (F7) You can evaluate and feedback on performance with support and guidance.

Year 8

  • (S1) You can show greater understanding and more regularly demonstrate, rules and positions in a practical situation.
  • (S2) You can accurately demonstrate key skills and techniques in a practical situation.
  • (S3) You can accurately select, apply and transfer skills from practice to a full context performance.
  • (S4) You can show a wider range of creative ideas when experimenting with skills and actions.
  • (S5) You can select an increasing range of activity specific vocabulary and use it appropriately.
  • (S6) You show improving communication skills when working with others and your subject knowledge shows greater depth.
  • (S7) You can evaluate and give detailed feedback on a performance with limited support and guidance.

Year 9

  • (C1) You can consistently understand and demonstrate rules and positions in a practical situation.
  • (C2) You can demonstrate key skills and techniques with consistent accuracy in a practical situation.
  • (C3) You can select, apply and transfer skills from practice to a full context situation with consistent accuracy.
  • (C4) You are challenging yourself to use creative and original ideas which you can execute with technical accuracy.
  • (C5) You can consistently select and use a wide range of activity specific vocabulary in appropriate situations.
  • (C6) You can confidently take on leadership roles, communicating effectively with others using detailed subject knowledge.
  • (C7) You can analyse and give constructive feedback independently.

Key Stage 3 Religious Studies

Religious Studies

Year 7

  • F1: You can begin to demonstrate an understanding of the beliefs of a religion. · To know how a religion began · To describe key beliefs and teachings of Christianity and Sikhism
  • F2: You can begin to show an understanding of different key practices of a religion.
  • F3: You can begin to interpret wisdom and authority, and discuss religious teachings and their meanings
  • F4: You can describe how belief influences individuals, communities and societies.
  • F5: You can describe the similarities and differences within and/or between religions and beliefs.
  • F6: You can begin to analyse and evaluate for and against religion and belief. · You can give arguments to support your own viewpoint. · You can give arguments to support another viewpoint. - You can express values that are important to you and other people.
  • (F7) You can begin to discuss religious teachings and their meanings

Year 8

  • S1: You can show a clear understanding and explanation of the beliefs of a religion. · To know how a religion began · To describe key beliefs and teachings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
  • S2: You can explain clearly several key practices of a religion.
  • S3: You can show a good insight into interpreting wisdom and authority, and discuss religious teachings and their meanings
  • S4: You can clearly explain how belief influences individuals, communities and societies.
  • S5: You can show a clear understanding of similarities and differences within and/or between religions and beliefs.
  • S6: You can analyse and evaluate for and against religion and belief. · You can give arguments to support your own viewpoint. · You can give arguments to support another viewpoint. You can express values that are important to you and other people.
  • (S7) You can begin to interpret religious teachings and use these in your work
  • (S8) You can begin to identify some of the differences within one religion.

Year 9

  • C1: You can confidently give an in-depth explanation of the beliefs of a religion. · To know how a religion began To describe key beliefs and teachings of Christianity and Buddhism
  • C2: You can confidently explain clearly several key practices of a religion.
  • C3: You can confidently interpret wisdom and authority, and discuss religious teachings and their meanings
  • C4: You can give a confident explanation of how belief influences individuals, communities and societies.
  • C5: You can show a clear and confident understanding of similarities and differences within and/or between religions and beliefs.
  • C6: You can confidently analyse and evaluate for and against religion and belief. · You can give arguments to support your own viewpoint. · You can give arguments to support another viewpoint. - You can express values that are important to you and other people.
  • (C7) You can use religios teachings throughout you work in a confident and accurate way
  • (C8) You can analyse and evaluate religious statements and reach a justified conclusion
  • (C9) You can identify the differences within a religion and explain the differences confidently
  • (C10) You can identify how religious belief impacts individuals/communities today

Key Stage 3 Science



Year 7
  • Organisms - Movement
  • Ecosystems - Interdependence
  • Genetics - Variation
Year 8
  • Organisms - Cells
  • Ecosystems - Plant Reproduction
  • Genetics - Human Reproduction and Inheritance
Year 9
  • Organisms - Breathing and Digestion
  • Ecosystems - Respiration and Photosynthesis
  • Genetics - Evolution


Year 7
  • Matter - The Particle Model and Separating Mixtures
  • Chemical reactions - Metals and Non-Metals
  • Earth - Earth Structure
Year 8
  • Matter - Periodic Table and Elements
  • Chemical Reactions - Acids and Alkalis
  • Earth - Universe
Year 9
  • Chemical Reactions - Types of Reaction and Chemical Energy
  • Earth - Earth Resources and Climate


Year 7
  • Forces - Speed
  • Electromagnetism - Current, Voltage and Resistance
  • Energy - Energy Costs
  • Waves - Sound
Year 8
  • Forces - Gravity and Contact Forces
  • Electromagnetism - Magnetism
  • Energy - Energy Transfer and Work
  • Waves - Light
Year 9
  • Forces - Pressure
  • Electromagnetism - Electromagnets
  • Energy - Heating and Cooling
  • Waves - Wave Effects and Wave Properties

Science - Working Scientifically

Year 7

  • I can communicate scientific ideas
  • I can analyse patterns
  • I can draw conclusions
  • I can present data
  • I can plan variables
  • I can construct explanations
  • I can estimate risks
  • I can justify my opinions

Year 8

  • I can draw conclusions
  • I can test a hypothesis
  • I can review theories
  • I can devise questions
  • I can justify my opinions
  • I can analyse patterns
  • I can construct explanations
  • I can examine consequences

Year 9

  • I can critique claims
  • I can discuss patterns
  • I can collect data
  • I can plan variables
  • I can interrogate sources
  • I can review theories
  • I can justify my opinions

Key Stage 3 Spanish



Year 7
  • G1= I can understand and use genders, definite and indefinite articles, adjective agreement and possessive adjectives (my, your, his/her) with some success.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G2 = I can understand what an infinitive is. I can use ’avoir’ and ’être’ and regular –ER verbs in the present tense.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G3 = I can use basic negatives, common connectives, frequency words and intensifiers.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • G1 = I can apply my knowledge of genders, articles (including partitive), adjective agreements and possessive adjectives with greater accuracy.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G2 = I can use a greater variety of verb forms in the present tense. I can understand and start using the past and near-future tenses.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G3 = I can use comparisons, relative clauses, and negative sentences in other tenses. I start to use a wider range of connectives, opinions, adverbs and time expressions.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • G1 = I can use genders, articles and adjectives confidently.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G2 = I can understand and use at least three tenses. I can understand reflexive verbs.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • G3 = I can use the superlative structure, direct object pronouns, and a range of prepositions and negatives
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • L1: I can listen to and understand the gist and some specific details in a few sentences of familiar language, and respond both in English and in Target Language.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • L2: I can recall key phonics and transcribe high-frequency familiar words.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
      • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • L1- I can clearly understand specific details in a short passage or dialogue with predictable information in longer, more complex sentences.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • L2– I can transcribe short phrases, including parts of stories, songs, rhymes and poems.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • L1- I can understand longer passages or dialogues with a wider range of unpredictable elements, deducing meaning of unfamiliar words.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
      • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • L2— I can apply my knowledge of phonics to transcribe fairly accurately longer passages with some unpredictable elements.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • R1- I can read and understand the gist and some specific details in a few sentences of familiar language, and respond both in English and in Target Language.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • R2- I can translate short sentences into English.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • R1- I can clearly understand specific details in a short text with predictable information in longer, more complex sentences.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • R3– I can translate longer sentences into precise and accurate English.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • R1- I can understand longer texts from a wide range of sources.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • R2 - I can translate texts into English accurately
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • S- I can ask and answer some simple questions from memory with recognisable pronunciation whilst applying my knowledge of phonics.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • S- I can use simple phrases and sentences independently with clear pronunciation, communicate new meanings, pronounce known language well.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
      • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • S- I can express ideas independently, ask a range of questions confidently, using formal/informal “you”, give more developed responses.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
      • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • V1= I can accurately recall and use at least 2/3 of the topic vocabulary
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • V1= I can accurately recall and use at least 2/3 of the topic vocabulary
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • V1= I can accurately recall and use at least 2/3 of the topic vocabulary
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)


Year 7
  • W1- I can write a paragraph (40 words) in longer sentences using familiar language and opinions, including writing from memory with understandable spelling.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • W2– I can change one element in a simple phrase or sentence to vary the meaning and I can translate from memory short sentences on familiar topics into the target language.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
      • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 8
  • W1- I can write at least 40 words and up to 90 words about myself and others, expressing opinions and reasons, including writing from memory with understandable spelling.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
      • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • W2– I can translate a few sentences from 2/3 topics into the target language, includingwriting from memory with understandable spelling.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
Year 9
  • W1- I can write several paragraphs (90 – 150 words) expressing facts, ideas, opinions and reasons, using a variety of structures. I can include questions and write from memory with greater accuracy.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
    • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
  • W2– I can translate a short paragraph on familiar topics into the foreign language, without help, with understandable accuracy.
    • Evidence 1 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)
      • Evidence 2 (3 pieces of classwork/homework or 1 piece of assessment)